Star Kingdoms: Universal Domination is Imminent, My Friend.
Star Kingdoms - Game Manual

Manual Index | Getting Started | FAQ

  1. Why am I losing Power?
  2. How did I get succesfully attacked by someone who sent less than half the amount of units that I had?
  3. Where can I go to post my idea's or bugs I've found?
  4. How do I change my email address?
  5. Why does my networth go down when I purchase units or buildings?
  6. Why does my research go down?
  7. What does it mean when someone has a negative amount of tanks home?
  8. Why do I have to wait 24 hours before my account is deleted?
  9. Why do I have to wait 24 hours before my account goes into Vacation Mode?
  10. Is there any way to defend from Missle Attacks?
  11. Why can't I see or research Energy Core?
  12. How long do kingdoms stay in dead status before they are removed from the sector?
  13. I probed somebody and it showed they had a negative number of military units. How is this possible?
  14. I think I found a cheater. How do I report him?
  15. How can I cancel units in training/buildings in production?

Why am I losing Power?

  • Everything in your kingdom requires power. As you build more buildings, more military units, and gain more civilians, your power needs will raise. What once could be powered on 100 power plants may now need 200 power plants to power. You also consume power with your shields when activated. If you turn your shields on, and have them set too high, it could cause you to start losing power. Be carefull, as if your power drops down to 0, you receive a -20% to both your offensive and defensive attack power.

How did I get succesfully attacked by someone who sent less than half the amount of units that I had?

  • When attacking with 4 generals, it automatically splits your units into 4ths, and makes some generals come home faster then others. The person who attacked you probably attacked you with 4 generals, thus is why his largest army out is only a 4th the size of yours. See attack help for more information on how this works.

Where can I go to post my idea's or bugs I've found?

  • Go to the Public forums, and choose the Bugs and Suggestions forum. There you can post your idea's and any bugs you may have found.

How do I change my email address?

  • Unfortunately, you are currently not able to change your email address due to the fact that it would promote account swapping by others who want to get in specific sectors.

Why does my networth go down when I purchase units or buildings?

  • Your networth consists of everything you currently own including soldiers, military troops, money, power, land, buildings, and anything else you can think of. When you decide to train military units, you lose 2 things. You lose the money you spent on them, and you lose the soldiers you started to train. Until those soldiers have completed training, you are short the money, and the soldiers. Once the soldier finishes his training into whatever you decided to train him to do, you will gain your score back, plus a little more for investing into a better unit. Anytime you spend your money your score will go down temporarily as you are losing money and not gaining anything in return until the building finishes it's construction, or the unit gets out of training, or you finish exploring the additional land.

Why does my research go down?

  • Your research for Money bonus, Population bonus, Power bonus, and Military bonus are all based on how large your kingdom is. The more land you have, means the more power plants you have to keep upgraded, the more jobs you will need to provide for people to pay taxes, the more population you will have to deal with, and the more military you have to keep on their toes. Because of this fact, your scientist's jobs are never finished. You will find that you constantly have to keep your scientists working on these if you want to keep them maxed.

What does it mean when someone has a negative amount of tanks home?

  • This is caused when someone sends out all of their tanks to attack someone, and then after attacking, they choose to disband their tanks. Because they can't yet send the tanks out to be dismantled until the tanks arive back home from their war, the person will have a negative amount of tanks left at home. Once the tanks return home, they will be dismantled until that number goes to 0.

Why do I have to wait 24 hours before my account is deleted?

  • This does two things for you.

    1. It allows you the time frame to recover your account in case you didn't want to delete it, or recover it incase another got access to your account and tried to delete it.
    2. It allows people time to retaliate on those who decide to suicide all of their units and then delete.

Why do I have to wait 24 hours before my account goes into Vacation Mode?

  • Vacation mode was added as a convenience for those who have to go on trips and such, not allowing them to gain access to a computer. We do not want vacation mode to be taken advantage of by someone attacking, and then going into vacation mode instantly after, so that the enemy can not retaliate. With the 24 hour time period, if someone decides to attack you and go into vacation mode, their account is still vulnerable for the first 24 hours, so you can still retaliate if you wish. After that 24 hour period has past, the account will go into vacation mode and be safe from attacks.

Is there any way to defend from Missle Attacks?

  • Yes. You can activate shields to defend against Missle Attacks and even Military Attacks. The amount of power you supply will determine the percentage of defense you will have. See Shields Help for more details.

Why can't I research Energy Core?

  • You must complete research on Fusion Technology before Energy Core will be visible to research. See Research Help for more information.

How long do kingdoms stay in dead status before they are removed from the sector?

  • Kingdoms stay in dead status for a period of 5 days, or until the user tries logging in again to find their kingdom is dead (whichever comes first). If the user logs in before that 5 day period, they will get a message stating their kingdom has been killed off and the kingdom will be deleted immediately afterwards. If the user does not log in within the 5 day period, the account will be deleted after the 5 day period is up.

I probed somebody and it showed they had a negative number of military units. How is this possible?

  • This person more then likely made an attack recently, and then chose to disband some of their army. If they attacked with all of their units, and then disbanded half of them, it would show them as having a negative amount of units at home, and a positive number of units out with a general. When that general returns home with the units, the two will cancel eachother out, giving you the actual remaining units.

I think I found a cheater. How do I report him?

  • Currently we have methods of catching people with multiple accounts, so if you think someone has multiple accounts, there is no need to report it as we will more then likely catch them with our tools if they are truly cheating in this way. If you think you have found a bug, or something that someone has been exploiting, giving them an unfair advantage that others did not have, you are more then welcome to report it in the bugs and suggestions forums.

How can I cancel units in training/buildings in production?

  • Currently there is not a way to cancel troops in training/buildings in production. One may be implemented in the future, but for right now, your best bet is to make sure you have the correct number in the box before you submit your request to train/build.


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