Star Kingdoms: Universal Domination is Imminent, My Friend.
Star Kingdoms - Game Manual

Manual Index | Kingdom Development | Buildings

Each building has a unique function in this game, and this help will display the REAL number values for each building and a description. But first how to build:

To build a building just enter in the desired number of each building and hit Construct Buildings. Above the table is a description of how much free land you have and how much you can build with your current Money. If you wish to demolish buildings so that you can build different buildings you can hit Raze Buildings at the bottom of the page.

Building Descriptions:

Residence Residence is where all your population lives. If there is not enough room in your Barracks for your military, your military will 'kick out' population from their residential homes in order to seek shelter. Population will also give you income through taxes.

Holds 50 civilians or military
Barracks This special tightly packed military facility can support any military unit including tanks. Military will move here first, but if there is no room they move to normal Residence.

Holds 75 military units
Air Support Bay* This base was specially designed to support Tactical Fighter's Vesudian Cores. Without this Air Support Bay, Tactical Fighters are rendered useless.

Holds 40 Tactical Fighters
Nuclear Power Plant This industrial building can produce 100 units of power. Up to 500 units of power can be stored in this plant. Any excess power is lost.

Produces 100 power
Stores up to 500 power
Fusion Power Plant* A new method of harvesting power, the Fusion Power Plant is capable of producing 140 power per hour, and storing up to 1000 units of power.

Produces 140 power
Stores up to 1000 power
Star Mine Another industrial building. This building provides you with resources (Money), there is no limit to the number of Star Mines you can have.

Produces 120 money
Training Camp A special building that prepares your army for military service. By default you allways have Training Camps, but if you wish to build extra you can greatly decrease the cost of training military.

Reduces cost of training. (%ofLAND * 3) Max 30%
If you had 250 land, and 25 Training Camps your military would be 30% cheaper. (25/250=10%*3=30%)
Probe Factory Another industrial building. Factories manufacture Probes. The more factories you have the more probes you will produce every day. No limit.

(50%-100%) * #ofFACTORIES = probes manufactured per hour.
* Building requires specific research to be able to be produced.

All buildings cost the same. Building Cost is related to the amount of Land you have.

Razing Buildings:

If you decide that you would like to gain some money from your buildings or if you would like to convert a building to a power plant you should raze buildings to create free land. You shouldn't use raze buildings to convert one building to another type unless it involves power plants. You should use convert buildings because it cheaper.

To raze a building simply enter in the amount of buildings and click Raze Buildings. If you enter more buildings than you have it will raze ALL your buildings of that type.

Razing profit is calculated as: Money = Money + (Building Cost / 8)

Converting Buildings:

If you decide that you would like to change one building to another type (excluding power plants) then you should use Convert Buildings. You conserve cost by reusing the materials of the old building in the new building.

Converting a building takes 24 hours.

You cannot convert a power plant because the building uses different materials.

The cost is calculated as: Money = Money - (Building Cost / 2)

Upgrade Power Plants:

Once you have completed Fusion Technology research you can upgrade your old Nuclear Power Plants to Fusion Power Plants. Fusion Power plants are more efficient and can store more power.

Upgrading a Power Plant takes 12 hours.

The cost is calculated as: Money = Money - (Building Cost / 4)

Other help topics in this category:
Kingdom Status | Exploring | Buildings | Research | Send Aid | Scores | Shields | Rewards

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