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  • Lol I was just curious...I literally log in 2 times a day because of work and a 1 year old...that's why I was asking. I wasn't a threat only playing cuz I used to play about 10 years ago.
  • So why did I get multied?...I'm Bearded Jesus 1:20
  • Seems pretty fishy. He mentions multies to you and gets activity from said multies almost immediately. Menstions carthorse is leadership to you and he starts getting activity from multies. 1 time could be viewed as a coincidence but twice.....
  • As proof of how poorly he is doing with killing his "kts". I thought he said he was better than meadows at this???
  • Yeah if you couldn't tell I'm a jungle main. Specifically nautilus and Zac. I used to play rammus but with the new jungle changes you can't hardly clear the jungle. And when I wanna troll I normally play nunu and just rum around fucking with the …
  • I agree. The reason I hate playing ranked is the douches that think they should be in Plat but the can't get out of bronze so they rage at every one else. Cuz it's my fault that they went 2-12 cuz I'm the jungle and they got camped. Dumbasses
  • Lol I'm not gold this season, well yet anyway. I got placed in silver 2 and haven't really had time to play. Yeah man the funnest lane I've been in was Leona j4 bot. Jarvans passive with Leonas nukes adcs and squishy supports lol
  • Oh and I also play AOE 3. But it's hard to find a game with no matchmaking
  • LOL is the main game I play anymore. Its pretty simple really play a champ that hasn't been nerfed and that's in meta, know how to rotate, and remember kills aren't how u win the game, it's objectives. Towers, drags, barons, and have wards, gg you…
  • I would love them to lol. But like I said I have been very inactive on that side of the game. I've logged to spend money and build stuff scroll through chat then go back to work I honestly couldn't even tell you who the AL is. He'll if our sl was…
  • Lol ok my bad I honestly don't know just parroting back what I seen in chat, as you can tell by my post count I'm pretty active. However the first Sok that I seen we had once the KT was posted those were the numbers. I have no knowledge if he was …
  • He was always open...He had 3500 goons with around 700 tanks when he was kt'd. After he grabbed a protected kd his SoM was grabbed and was noticed as an AT then dealt with. Even tho elysian tried protecting an AT and is now going to war rainbow fo…
  • Im curious to see where i finished myself