A group of fishermen go out to catch some fish so they can feed their family. They get out to the middle of the lake and discover several schools of fish of varying sizes. There are a lot of small schools, a large number of medium-sized schools, and one very large school. They decide they need to take enough fish home to feed their families, but they don't want to take so many out of each school that they might harm the future reproduction of those schools. They find the perfect amount to take from each school, and make a note of the percent they took from each school so they can do the same next time.
A few months later, they come back to the same spot ready to go home with another big haul. There's a problem though, they can't use the same formula they came up with last time because while they were gone, some of the fish from each school defected and joined the very large school.
So here's what you need to solve:
What should the fishermen do to take home enough to feed their families while maintaining the natural balance of the schools?
The fisherman should write a new formula. I suggest they just use dynamite since the fish are doing whatever the fuck they want anyways. It won't kill them all.
It's a pretty stupid practice itself to ask people who don't care about their fellow man now to give a shit about future generations - but I do like oversimplification of mental instructings like this to help idiots who are poor/middle class and still vote for tax cuts for the wealthy.
else dfish/dt = 0 gives you the solution
Although at the same time if you tax them too much they won't be using their disposable income to buy goods from the smaller groups of fish so their businesses will falter.
Gotta have balance.
I think making less people rely on welfare and all that crap would be better in the end, though I guess you'll never really stop crackheads from being crackheads.
Is this a mathematic problem or a philosophical one?
If this is a mathematic problem replace the fish in the circles with numbers and i am up to it.
If this demands another approach i can only suggest that whatever they do in the end there will be only an enormous group of fish who will propably stop taking the bait!