You guys never been randomly arsoned? Stunts yer growth by a fair amount, buildings aint cheap. Takes damn near 80% of yoir income to rebuild that shit. Useful no matter what, thats income not going to military.
We aren't gonna kill you guys anymore we decided to attack some big dude that was flying an anti skydragon remark in his sector message. He's gonna get it now.
lol, ill be out of your thread for two weeks now nig, me hico tonight. just make sure you all put that chump dank in his place when he mouths off. Everyone seems to be doing it now
Wrong Sourcian Original Founder there Winter. I believe his friend that the original AL stole as his VAL saved the alliance, plus kicking the Sourcian into the sister alliance means that Adeptus is the suckpool.
Useful no matter what, thats income not going to military.
ok so back to my epic Arsons, 4 total!
I was originally searching for a respect gif, but this'll do :P
Ahhhh, I'm just kidding, anyone can be in this thread.
cobras = arbites killer
oh and Blarg.
::Throws a parade.::