One suggestion on calc though, can you make it so when attackers stats are displayed automatically, the individual military amounts can also be manually changed/inputted?
As it stands, it's hard to calculate multiple attacks on same target. Or am I missing something?
nice work rmag i have suggestion for you, maybe use similar system as i use, that it update the calculations when you type in the units, instead of pressic calc attack each time you insert units. Like Cumgitsum suggested.
my calc updates automatic on each keypress, and you dont need so called "child safety" its just more work and more handy when you play via phone.
and add reset button to the calc, so people dont have to manually remove the units. This simple code does the magic.
So last round, I started working on the Split Units functions, before Rob killed me.
I found out how complicated it is to interact with injected code, in fact im still not sure how to do it, so rather than allowing for the possibility of splitting units multiple ways, I might have to choose one way and make that one the only one. Or I might have to approach it with a less... fancy design.
Anyway, hoping that I survive the round, I hope to complete some of the features
so probably the order these features will come in will be:
military split
military view
but more than likely I wont release it until next round
yeh Lovie's sends 1% extra. Mine sends only 1 point extra (same as Skato )
Aight, let's talk flowers then
Jarheads is a nick name for Marines, so I can't blame you for not knowing
no excuses given @CountDankula
I'm aussie & I watch movies
@RMag Pansies? My Daisy?
@RMag Love everything so far i have tested.
One suggestion on calc though, can you make it so when attackers stats are displayed automatically, the individual military amounts can also be manually changed/inputted?
As it stands, it's hard to calculate multiple attacks on same target. Or am I missing something?
That'll help you do what you want
I built this in-game calc because I'd fail due to stupid typos, that's why its like it's on child safety
Hahaha... NP's. How about put a child safety lock button on it?
So, does your usual calc (link above) give same result as your in-built?
hopefully x'D.
yeh it's the exact same coding.
nice work rmag
i have suggestion for you, maybe use similar system as i use, that it update the calculations when you type in the units, instead of pressic calc attack each time you insert units. Like Cumgitsum suggested.
my calc updates automatic on each keypress, and you dont need so called "child safety" its just more work and more handy when you play via phone.
and add reset button to the calc, so people dont have to manually remove the units. This simple code does the magic.
just mage the button for it.
function reset() {
// resets all fields
input class="" type="button" value="Reset" name="Reset" onclick="reset()"
Hey Lovsan. Yeh I actually love that feature about your calc!
The only thing I dont like about it is that it sends too many units (1% vs 1 atk).
To be honest, I have no intention of updating that calc
I might implement it for the ingame calc tho.
Just an idea I had. maybe pull your own SoM into the attack screen as a tab on the calc,
Tab 1 is the Calc, Tab 2 is the SoM. giving a quick way to view your available WLs and the return times.
Thank you so much Rmag!
Regarding your attack calc, ive never had any trouble with it. Hasnt failed me once.
I love the accuracy.
So last round, I started working on the Split Units functions, before Rob killed me.
I found out how complicated it is to interact with injected code, in fact im still not sure how to do it, so rather than allowing for the possibility of splitting units multiple ways, I might have to choose one way and make that one the only one. Or I might have to approach it with a less... fancy design.
Anyway, hoping that I survive the round, I hope to complete some of the features
so probably the order these features will come in will be:
military split
military view
but more than likely I wont release it until next round
I didn't kill you last round.
You're right, I guess it was xMYx, my apologies.
@Hazza - that's not a bad idea at all
@cumgitsum - I've just re-thought that, and I guess I could set up a table for it
Max attacks: 3
1: 6000 goons
2: 4000 goons 1k tanks
3: 3k tanks
I just won't make it account for the defender's losses, because I don't think anyone's figured out the exact formula for that yet.
Were you able to add return times to the calc?
Nope, died before that.
Attack time = (sqr ((value1 ^ 2) + (value2 ^2)) + 14) * ((100 - Pbonus - Sbonus - Ebonus - WLbonus) / 100)
where value1 = min(xDiff, 10-xDiff);
same for value2 but with y
that's what my excel looks like for it