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Boycott Boycott for Game Moderator



  • hello inog
  • you really do have problems yeno jay. Not just wierd mangina fetish ones either
  • LoXie, play some league of legends
    Where the hell have you been old man? :(
  • Besides, the real lynog can't spell to save his life. This one is obviously a fake.
    idk yeno lox, if it was literally to save my life i would study the dictionary
    I lolled, even if I have no idea what "yeno" means. O_o

    Try breaking up the speech into different sounds like how you would imagine someone actually saying the word in person. When we say "'You Know" we don't always pronounce the words clearly and concisely. In this case Lynog used "ye" and "no" to symbolize the words "you" and "know". When said quickly and all at once the words sounds jumbled like when you imagine someone saying "Youknow" only in this case it is "yeno". This is actually fairly simple to figure out but I felt it might be necessary for me to explain it to you so you can better understand different forms of speech.
  • edited February 2012
    You've apparently never heard lynog speak; it sounds like someone with a potato in their mouth.
  • Besides, the real lynog can't spell to save his life. This one is obviously a fake.
    idk yeno lox, if it was literally to save my life i would study the dictionary
    I lolled, even if I have no idea what "yeno" means. O_o

    Try breaking up the speech into different sounds like how you would imagine someone actually saying the word in person. When we say "'You Know" we don't always pronounce the words clearly and concisely. In this case Lynog used "ye" and "no" to symbolize the words "you" and "know". When said quickly and all at once the words sounds jumbled like when you imagine someone saying "Youknow" only in this case it is "yeno". This is actually fairly simple to figure out but I felt it might be necessary for me to explain it to you so you can better understand different forms of speech.
    Yea, nice one Ty. Or, you know, you could not be an inbred hick and learn to enunciate when you speak.
    Today I learned the difference between annunciate and enunciate. And yeno.
  • edited February 2012
    He heard it so much as a child, he thought that was how you were supposed to talk.
  • I dunno what u guys r talkin bout. What seems to b da big deel?
  • i may not have the grammar levels of jayr but i also have never eaten shemale penis, so you stick with gettin rattled by your GF/BF/THING and ill keep up with the bad spelling
  • i may not have the grammar levels of jayr but i also have never eaten shemale penis, so you stick with gettin rattled by your GF/BF/THING and ill keep up with the bad spelling
    I've never heard someone talk so much about cock in my entire life.
    Other than your mother.
  • I dunno what u guys r talkin bout. What seems to b da big deel?
    i duhknow men but i tink u r dewing it rong"
  • does your mother enjoy the threesomes you and your IT heshe have with her?

    she always was a freak...
  • im not very gud at tis kinda talk if ya no what I meen
  • You really love to talk about penis bro.

    You can come out of there.
    I need to hang my shirts up.
  • yano wut i meen?
  • shit cu I dun evn kno how todo tis kinda speako cuz its not vry natral to me
  • Jayr loves da cock 2k12 n 4eva
  • edited February 2012
    I wonder similar about you. When will you grow the f*ck up and act like you don't have an obsession with sucking on Lynog's knob... People tell me "GayR is not all that bad of a person", well... you certainly don't show any intelligence in public!
    It's funny how you chime in every time that bot boy decides to grace us. I don't even know the Jayr that you guys are describing. What I do know is that when you guys get into an aim chat room together it's just a total gayfest. You always agree with each other and it doesn't matter how f'ing stupid it is what you're saying. The person you are arguing with could be telling you the secrets of the universe and you'd all just reply back about how stupid they are because they didn't have a top score last round. It's like talking to children so why would Jayr bother putting any effort into a conversation with you?
  • PiePie
    edited February 2012
    This is what gets me.

    The amount of time Lynog spends talking about Jayr and the blowing a tranny.. its either jealously or extreme anger. If its jealousy, there are quite a few trannies out there. I'm sure you can find one somewhere, somehow. Just try.. PLEASE!

    Now if its extreme anger, doesn't it make you wonder where so much anger about him blowing a tranny comes from? I mean no one should ever be this obsessed with another man and what goes on in that man's bedroom.. unless you are there too. And from all things I've read Jayr dropped the tranny as soon as he found out.

    You know what they say about a he/she scorned... They cone to the PFs and rage about c0ck sucking a tranny..
  • hey pie hows playing on the internet 20 hours a day and not caring for your children.

    sounds like a case of failure
  • PiePie
    edited February 2012
    I only play 18 hrs and my children are starving and walk around in dirty clothes plus they never go to school. And now I had to quit my job because I don't want my children having anything. I'm fine tho.

    How are you flazer? And no need to hate, I didn't tell Lynog to take your tranny.. just that there are a few out there.. just don't introduce them.
  • edited February 2012
    The amount of time Lynog spends talking about Jayr and the blowing a tranny.
    Keep in mind that he loves to tell everyone I smoke crystal meth and have felonies, none of which are true. I'll cast my vote on jealousy ftw. I have no idea if that is true about Jayr I am never going to ask either I don't care. I've always assumed Lynog made it up because that's all he thinks about is blowing trannies.
  • hey pie hows playing on the internet 20 hours a day and not caring for your children.

    sounds like a case of failure

  • Tacos Rule =D
  • Lets put it to a vote. I vote Screamin. He is loved and admired by all.
  • I vote Screamin!
  • I vote Lews.
  • Eh too many ha's Lynog.. Flazer on his limited library computer time over estimated my time playing.. you both fail. Go home.. leave the peanut butter in the cabinet and try not to molest your dogs before filling the bath tub with ice water and have a seat in it while contemplating you worthless lives, but don't reach for the razor blade just yet.. instead call your mom and ask if you can please move out of her basement without succumbing to her sexual advances.. once you realize that you really are just crap, now grab the razor blade and slowly..

    Shave your legs so that your boyfriend will enjoy touching you for once.
  • Pretty good non sequitur. Well done Pie.
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