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  • Bcart, you are da man.
  • Ha, I'm doing good. I only play every few rounds to make horrible KDs and to yell at ALs. Making horrible KDs and yelling at ALs must be one of the best things to do in SK!
  • HAAAI FAKE GUARDIA! I'm not a fake
  • @TMonsta you always stealing my ballzz u.u How are you, mate? @inger There's always that feeling of wanting to come back, but this game it's not going to be the same. There's little to no people playing, still the multis and some of the same peopl…
  • So when im considering Jones, Lynog, Mercer, Greg etc. Good players and i have seen what they can accomplish, is that a synonym of cheating? Lol, I was checking PF's with some nostalgy after a friend remind me of this old good times, and then I saw…
  • So when im considering Jones, Lynog, Mercer, Greg etc. Good players and i have seen what they can accomplish, is that a synonym of cheating? Lol, I was checking PF's with some nostalgy after a friend remind me of this old good times, and then I saw…