=+ Changes for Round 55 + Era of Mutants - For this round all Laser Troopers, Troopers, Laser Dragoons, and Dragoons will have a respective defensive or offensive bonus of +2. - Each time a kingdom attacks there will be a 10% chance of super mutant explosion which will cause causalities on the defending side to be increased by 4X. - If a Kingdom has Fusion researched the chance of a super mutant explosion will be increased to 20% and respective defense and offense bonus increased to +4. + Planet Type changes for Round 55 +------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Advantage ++++++++++| Secondary Advantage +++++++++++++| Disadvantage +++++++++++| Bonuses ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|++++++++++++++++++++++|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| | | | | | | | + Forest and Wilderness | + 5% Population | Star Mine +50 Platinum | +25% Attack Time | | | + Desert Wasteland | +25% Offensive | -75% Trooper/Dragoon Cost | -10% Population | -- Start with Dragoons, FDC research always at 25%. | | + Volcanic Inferno |[-80% Energy Required]| Fusion Plants store 10000 Energy | -20% Population | -- Start with Fusion Technology and 10 Fussion Missles | | + Mystical Lands | -25% Attack Time |[-50% Energy Required ]| -10% Offensive Strength | -- Start with S.C.O.U.T.E.R. and Fusion Technology already researched. | | + Mountainous |[+20% Income ]| +50% Attack Honor |[-30% Energy Production ]| -- Start with Laser Dragoons researched. | | + Oceanic | +10% Defense | -25% Building Cost | +25% Research Required | -- Start with 250 Laser Troopers. | | + Terra Form | +50% Research Eff |[Research max up 15% ]|[-15% Income ]| -- Start with 1500 research points in Pop, Power, Military, and Money. | | + Multiple Terrain | None | None | None | -- Start with Dragoons, Laser Dragoons, Fighters, and Tactical Fighters researched. | | | | | | | +------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Planet type statistics from Round 54 + Forest and Wilderness: + 238,867,931 Networth (39.95%) with 97 accounts (33.68%). + Avg: 2,462,556 Networth + Desert Wasteland: + 57,848,412 Networth (9.68%) with 41 accounts (14.24%). + Avg: 1,410,937 Networth + Volcanic Inferno: + 81,666,670 Networth (13.66%) with 36 accounts (12.50%). + Avg: 2,268,519 Networth + Mystical Lands: + 44,048,072 Networth (7.37%) with 18 accounts (6.25%). + Avg: 2,447,115 Networth + Mountainous: + 37,448,912 Networth (6.26%) with 15 accounts (5.21%). + Avg: 2,496,594 Networth + Oceanic: + 19,674,729 Networth (3.29%) with 26 accounts (9.03%). + Avg: 756,720 Networth + Terra Form: + 78,602,342 Networth (13.15%) with 24 accounts (8.33%). + Avg: 3,275,098 Networth + Multiple Terrain: + 39,711,064 Networth (6.64%) with 31 accounts (10.76%). + Avg: 1,281,002 Networth