=+ Changes for Round 46 (Last Revised: September 06, 2011) + Era of Social Policy - For this round all Sector's will enjoy a bonus of 50% in addition to the set tax rate to its Sector Fund. + Galaxy Sizes - Galaxies in Terra Nova (S1) will now be reduced to 20 Sectors from 40 Sectors. - Galaxies in Centaurus (S2) will now be reduced to 4 Sectors from 30 Sectors. - Galaxies in Desolation (FB) will now be reduced to 20 Sectors from 40 Sectors. + Alliance Sizes - Alliances in Terra Nova (S1) will now only require 1 Sector to set relations and can only contain up to 5 Sectors. - Alliances in Centaurus (S2) will now only require 1 Sector to set relations and can only contain up to 2 Sectors. - Alliances in Desolation (FB) will now only require 1 Sector to set relations and can only contain up to 5 Sectors. + Bug Fix: Tanks - Tanks defensive value has been set back to 9 from 10. + Forum Spam - For some reason bots are able to bypass the CAPTCHA protection on the public forums. - It could be CAPTCHA farming or that the CAPTCHA has been cracked. - I am considering reinstalling PHPBB or changing over to a new system. - Both options would mean all accounts being reset as there would be no easy way to purge the bots. - I would be happy to read ideas and suggestions in the Suggestions forum. Please ask a moderator to sticky your post. http://forums.starkingdoms.com/viewforum.php?f=5 + Planet Type changes for Round 46 +------------------------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Advantage +++++++++| Secondary Advantage ++++++++++++++| Disadvantage +++++++++++| Bonuses ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| | | | | | | | + Forest and Wilderness | +10% Population | Star Mine +15 Platinum | +20% Attack Time | | | + Desert Wasteland | +20% Offensive |[-75% Trooper/Dragoon Cost ]| -20% Population | -- Start with Dragoons, FDC research always at 25%. | | + Volcanic Inferno | -75% Energy Required | Fusion Plants store 10000 Energy | -20% Population | -- Start with Fusion Technology and 10 Fussion Missles | | + Mystical Lands | -25% Attack Time | -40% Energy Required | -10% Offensive Strength | -- Start with S.C.O.U.T.E.R. and Fusion Technology already researched. | | + Mountainous | +10% Income | +50% Attack Honor |[-40% Energy Production ]| -- Start with Laser Dragoons researched. | | + Oceanic | +10% Defense | -50% Building Cost | +25% Research Required | -- Start with 250 Laser Troopers. | | + Terra Form | +50% Research Eff | Research max up 10% |[-25% Income ]| -- Start with 1500 research points in Pop, Power, Military, and Money. | | + Multiple Terrain | None | None | None | -- Start with Dragoons, Laser Dragoons, Fighters, and Tactical Fighters researched. | | | | | | | +------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Planet type statistics from Round 45 + Forest and Wilderness: + 128,577,812 Networth (21.32%) with 99 accounts (23.19%). + Avg: 1,298,766 Networth + Desert Wasteland: + 28,235,668 Networth (4.68%) with 34 accounts (7.96%). + Avg: 830,461 Networth + Volcanic Inferno: + 56,007,676 Networth (9.29%) with 46 accounts (10.77%). + Avg: 1,217,558 Networth + Mystical Lands: + 74,106,089 Networth (12.29%) with 48 accounts (11.24%). + Avg: 1,543,877 Networth + Mountainous: + 64,961,147 Networth (10.77%) with 37 accounts (8.67%). + Avg: 1,755,707 Networth + Oceanic: + 53,968,860 Networth (8.95%) with 43 accounts (10.07%). + Avg: 1,255,090 Networth + Terra Form: + 114,264,265 Networth (18.94%) with 47 accounts (11.01%). + Avg: 2,431,155 Networth + Multiple Terrain: + 83,028,357 Networth (13.77%) with 73 accounts (17.10%). + Avg: 1,137,375 Networth